Helper Functions

namespace HelperFunctions


enum ShowerType

The different supported shower types.




MsgStream &msg(MSG::Level lvl = MSG::INFO)

Static object that provides athena-based message logging functionality

bool passPrimaryVertexSelection(const xAOD::VertexContainer *vertexContainer, int Ntracks = 2)
int countPrimaryVertices(const xAOD::VertexContainer *vertexContainer, int Ntracks = 2)
const xAOD::Vertex *getPrimaryVertex(const xAOD::VertexContainer *vertexContainer, MsgStream &msg)
const xAOD::Vertex *getPrimaryVertex(const xAOD::VertexContainer *vertexContainer)
float getPrimaryVertexZ(const xAOD::Vertex *pvx)
int getPrimaryVertexLocation(const xAOD::VertexContainer *vertexContainer, MsgStream &msg)
int getPrimaryVertexLocation(const xAOD::VertexContainer *vertexContainer)
bool applyPrimaryVertexSelection(const xAOD::JetContainer *jets, const xAOD::VertexContainer *vertices)
float GetBTagMV2c20_Cut(int efficiency)
std::string GetBTagMV2c20_CutStr(int efficiency)
std::string replaceString(std::string subjet, const std::string &search, const std::string &replace)
std::vector<TString> SplitString(TString &orig, const char separator)
float dPhi(float phi1, float phi2)
bool has_exact(const std::string input, const std::string flag)
std::size_t string_pos(const std::string &haystack, const std::string &needle, unsigned int N)

Function which returns the position of the n-th occurence of a character in a string searching backwards. Returns -1 if no occurencies are found.


StatusCode isAvailableMetaData(TTree *metaData)
bool isFilePrimaryxAOD(TFile *inputFile)
std::vector<TLorentzVector> jetReclustering(const xAOD::JetContainer *jets, double radius = 1.0, double fcut = 0.05, fastjet::JetAlgorithm rc_alg = fastjet::antikt_algorithm)
std::vector<TLorentzVector> jetTrimming(const xAOD::JetContainer *jets, double radius = 0.3, double fcut = 0.05, fastjet::JetAlgorithm s_alg = fastjet::kt_algorithm)
TLorentzVector jetTrimming(const xAOD::Jet *jet, double radius = 0.3, double fcut = 0.05, fastjet::JetAlgorithm s_alg = fastjet::kt_algorithm)
bool sort_pt(const xAOD::IParticle *partA, const xAOD::IParticle *partB)
std::vector<CP::SystematicSet> getListofSystematics(const CP::SystematicSet inSysts, std::string systNames, float systVal, MsgStream &msg)

Get a list of systematics.

  • inSysts: systematics set retrieved from the tool

  • systNames: comma separated list of wanted systematics names, use “Nominal” for nominal and “All” for all systematics

  • systVal: continuous systematics sigma value

  • msg: the MsgStream object with appropriate level for debugging

void writeSystematicsListHist(const std::vector<CP::SystematicSet> &systs, std::string histName, TFile *file)
template<typename T>
std::string type_name(bool useXAOD = true)
template<typename T1, typename T2>
StatusCode makeSubsetCont(T1 *&intCont, T2 *&outCont, MsgStream &msg, const std::string &flagSelect = "", HelperClasses::ToolName tool_name = HelperClasses::ToolName::DEFAULT)

Function to copy a subset of a generic input xAOD container into a generic output xAOD container.


Marco Milesi ( If the optional parameters aren’t specified, the function will just make a full copy of the input container into the output one.

  • [in] intCont: input container

  • [inout] outCont: output container

  • [in] flagSelect: (optional) the name of the decoration for objects passing a certain selection (e.g. “passSel”, “overlaps” …). When explicitly specified, it must not be empty.

  • [in] tool_name: (optional) an enum specifying the tool type which is calling this function (definition in HelperClasses::ToolName)

template<typename T1, typename T2>
StatusCode makeSubsetCont(T1 *&intCont, T2 *&outCont, const std::string &flagSelect = "", HelperClasses::ToolName tool_name = HelperClasses::ToolName::DEFAULT)
template<typename T>
StatusCode retrieve(T *&cont, std::string name, xAOD::TEvent *event, xAOD::TStore *store, MsgStream &msg)

Retrieve an arbitrary object from TStore / TEvent.

This tries to make your life simple by providing a one-stop container retrieval shop for all types.

Example Usage:

const xAOD::JetContainer  jets(0);
// look for "AntiKt10LCTopoJets" in both TEvent and TStore
ANA_CHECK( HelperFunctions::retrieve(jets, "AntiKt10LCTopoJets", m_event, m_store) );
// look for "AntiKt10LCTopoJets" in only TStore
ANA_CHECK( HelperFunctions::retrieve(jets, "AntiKt10LCTopoJets", 0, m_store) );
// look for "AntiKt10LCTopoJets" in only TEvent, enable verbose output
ANA_CHECK( HelperFunctions::retrieve(jets, "AntiKt10LCTopoJets", m_event, 0, msg()) );

Checking Order:

  • start by checking TStore

    • check if store contains ‘xAOD::JetContainer’ named ‘name’

      • attempt to retrieve from store

      • return if failure

  • next check TEvent

    • check if event contains ‘xAOD::JetContainer’ named ‘name’

      • attempt to retrieve from event

      • return if failure

    • return FAILURE

  • return SUCCESS (should never reach this last line)

  • cont: pass in a pointer to the object to store the retrieved container in

  • name: the name of the object to look up

  • event: the TEvent, usually wk()->xaodEvent(). Set to 0 to not search TEvent.

  • store: the TStore, usually wk()->xaodStore(). Set to 0 to not search TStore.

  • msg: the MsgStream object with appropriate level for debugging

template<typename T>
StatusCode retrieve(T *&cont, std::string name, xAOD::TEvent *event, xAOD::TStore *store)
template<typename T>StatusCode HelperFunctions::__attribute__((deprecated("retrieve<T>(..., bool) is deprecated. See")))&
template<typename T>
bool isAvailable(std::string name, xAOD::TEvent *event, xAOD::TStore *store, MsgStream &msg)

Return true if an arbitrary object from TStore / TEvent is available.

This tries to make your life simple by providing a one-stop container check shop for all types

Example Usage:

const xAOD::JetContainer  jets(0);
// look for "AntiKt10LCTopoJets" in both TEvent and TStore
HelperFunctions::isAvailable<xAOD::JetContainer>("AntiKt10LCTopoJets", m_event, m_store)
// look for "AntiKt10LCTopoJets" in only TStore
HelperFunctions::isAvailable<xAOD::JetContainer>("AntiKt10LCTopoJets", 0, m_store)
// look for "AntiKt10LCTopoJets" in only TEvent, enable verbose output
HelperFunctions::isAvailable<xAOD::JetContainer>("AntiKt10LCTopoJets", m_event, 0, MSG::VERBOSE)
  • name: the name of the object to look up

  • event: the TEvent, usually wk()->xaodEvent(). Set to 0 to not search TEvent.

  • store: the TStore, usually wk()->xaodStore(). Set to 0 to not search TStore.

  • msg: the MsgStream object with appropriate level for debugging

template<typename T>
bool isAvailable(std::string name, xAOD::TEvent *event, xAOD::TStore *store)
template<class T>
const T *getLink(const xAOD::IParticle *particle, std::string name)

Access to element link to object of type T stored in auxdata.

template<typename T>
T sort_container_pt(T *inCont)
template<typename T>
const T sort_container_pt(const T *inCont)
bool found_non_dummy_sys(std::vector<std::string> *sys_list)
template<typename T1, typename T2, typename T3>
StatusCode makeDeepCopy(xAOD::TStore *m_store, std::string containerName, const T1 *cont)

Make a deep copy of a container and put it in the TStore.

This is a very powerful templating function. The point is to remove the triviality of making deep copies by specifying all that is needed. The best way is to demonstrate via example:

const xAOD::JetContainer  selected_jets(nullptr);
ANA_CHECK( m_event->retrieve( selected_jets, "SelectedJets" ));
ANA_CHECK( (HelperFunctions::makeDeepCopy<xAOD::JetContainer, xAOD::JetAuxContainer, xAOD::Jet>(m_store, "BaselineJets", selected_jets)));
Template Parameters
  • T1: The type of the container you’re going to deep copy into

  • T2: The type of the aux container you’re going to deep copy into

  • T3: The type of the object inside the container you’re going to deep copy

  • m_store: A pointer to the TStore object

  • containerName: The name of the container to create as output in the TStore

  • cont: The container to deep copy, it should be a container of pointers (IParticleContainer or ConstDataVector)

template<typename T1, typename T2>
StatusCode recordOutput(xAOD::TEvent *m_event, xAOD::TStore *m_store, std::string containerName)

Copy a container from the TStore to be recorded in the TEvent (eg: to an output)

If you have a container in the TStore, this function will record it into the output for you without an issue. As an example:

ANA_CHECK( HelperFunctions::recordOutput<xAOD::JetContainer, xAOD::JetAuxContainer>(m_event, m_store, "BaselineJets"));

where we build off the previous example of making a deep copy (see HelperFunctions::makeDeepCopy()).

Template Parameters
  • T1: The type of the container you’re going to record

  • T2: The type of the aux container you’re going to record

  • m_event: A pointer to the TEvent object

  • m_store: A pointer to the TStore object

  • containerName: The name of the container in the TStore to record to TEvent

template<typename T_BR>
void connectBranch(std::string name, TTree *tree, const std::string &branch, std::vector<T_BR> **variable)
template<typename T>
void remove_duplicates(std::vector<T> &vec)
HelperFunctions::ShowerType getMCShowerType(const std::string &sample_name)

Determines the type of generator used for the shower from the sample name.

The name of the generator is determined using some common definitions in the ATLAS MC dataset naming scheme. The case independent strings that are searched for are:

PYTHIA8EVTGEN or Py8EG or PYTHIA : Pythia8 HERWIG : Herwig7 SHERPA_CT : Sherpa21 SHERPA : Sherpa22 (if not Sherpa 21)

  • sample_name: The name of the sample, usualy the dataset name


StatusCode std::string HelperFunctions::name
StatusCode std::string xAOD::TEvent* HelperFunctions::event
StatusCode std::string xAOD::TEvent xAOD::TStore* HelperFunctions::store
StatusCode std::string xAOD::TEvent xAOD::TStore bool HelperFunctions::debug = { return retrieve<T>(cont, name, event, store, msg())
struct pt_sort

Public Functions

bool operator()(const TLorentzVector &lhs, const TLorentzVector &rhs)
bool operator()(const TLorentzVector *lhs, const TLorentzVector *rhs)
bool operator()(const xAOD::IParticle &lhs, const xAOD::IParticle &rhs)
bool operator()(const xAOD::IParticle *lhs, const xAOD::IParticle *rhs)