
class MessagePrinterAlgo

This algorithm changes the format of the MsgStream objects for all other algorithms. There should only be on instance of it, and it should probably be first.

Inherits from xAH::Algorithm

Public Functions

StatusCode algInitialize()

Run any initializations commmon to all xAH Algorithms (such as registerInstance). Call this inside histInitialize for best results.

StatusCode algFinalize()

Run any finalizations common to all xAH Algorithms (such as unregisterInstance). Call this inside histFinalize for best results.

StatusCode parseSystValVector()

Parse string of systematic sigma levels in m_systValVectorString into m_systValVector.

Public Members

unsigned int m_sourceWidth = 25

Set the width of the name in the message.

std::string m_name = "UnnamedAlgorithm"

All algorithms initialized should have a unique name, to differentiate them at the TObject level.

Note, GetName() returns a char* while this returns a std::string.

bool m_debug = false

m_debug is being deprecated

bool m_verbose = false

m_verbose is being deprecated

MSG::Level m_msgLevel = MSG::INFO

debug level

std::string m_systName = ""

If running systematics, the name of the systematic

float m_systVal = 0.0

If running systematics, the value to set the systematic to


This will set the systematic to the value \(\pm x\).

std::string m_systValVectorString = ""

If running systematics, you can run multiple points and store them in here. A comma separated list of working points should be given to m_systValVectorString, and then parsed by calling parseSystValVector.

std::string m_eventInfoContainerName = "EventInfo"

If the xAOD has a different EventInfo container name, set it here

int m_isMC = -1

This is an override at the algorithm level to force analyzing MC or not.

Value Meaning
-1 Default, use eventInfo object to determine if data or mc
0 Treat the input as data
1 Treat the input as MC