Helper Functions

namespace HelperFunctions


MsgStream &msg(MSG::Level lvl = MSG::INFO)

Static object that provides athena-based message logging functionality

bool passPrimaryVertexSelection(const xAOD::VertexContainer *vertexContainer, int Ntracks = 2)
int countPrimaryVertices(const xAOD::VertexContainer *vertexContainer, int Ntracks = 2)
const xAOD::Vertex *getPrimaryVertex(const xAOD::VertexContainer *vertexContainer, MsgStream &msg)
const xAOD::Vertex *getPrimaryVertex(const xAOD::VertexContainer *vertexContainer)
float getPrimaryVertexZ(const xAOD::Vertex *pvx)
int getPrimaryVertexLocation(const xAOD::VertexContainer *vertexContainer, MsgStream &msg)
int getPrimaryVertexLocation(const xAOD::VertexContainer *vertexContainer)
bool applyPrimaryVertexSelection(const xAOD::JetContainer *jets, const xAOD::VertexContainer *vertices)
float GetBTagMV2c20_Cut(int efficiency)
std::string GetBTagMV2c20_CutStr(int efficiency)
std::string replaceString(std::string subjet, const std::string &search, const std::string &replace)
std::vector<TString> SplitString(TString &orig, const char separator)
float dPhi(float phi1, float phi2)
bool has_exact(const std::string input, const std::string flag)
std::size_t string_pos(const std::string &haystack, const std::string &needle, unsigned int N)

Function which returns the position of the n-th occurence of a character in a string searching backwards. Returns -1 if no occurencies are found.


std::string parse_wp(const std::string &type, const std::string &config_name, MsgStream &msg)

Function which returns the WP for ISO/ID from a config file. Returns empty string if no WP is found.

std::string parse_wp(const std::string &type, const std::string &config_name)
StatusCode isAvailableMetaData(TTree *metaData)
bool isFilePrimaryxAOD(TFile *inputFile)
std::vector<TLorentzVector> jetReclustering(const xAOD::JetContainer *jets, double radius = 1.0, double fcut = 0.05, fastjet::JetAlgorithm rc_alg = fastjet::antikt_algorithm)
std::vector<TLorentzVector> jetTrimming(const xAOD::JetContainer *jets, double radius = 0.3, double fcut = 0.05, fastjet::JetAlgorithm s_alg = fastjet::kt_algorithm)
TLorentzVector jetTrimming(const xAOD::Jet *jet, double radius = 0.3, double fcut = 0.05, fastjet::JetAlgorithm s_alg = fastjet::kt_algorithm)
bool sort_pt(const xAOD::IParticle *partA, const xAOD::IParticle *partB)
std::vector<CP::SystematicSet> getListofSystematics(const CP::SystematicSet inSysts, std::string systNames, float systVal, MsgStream &msg)

Get a list of systematics.

  • inSysts: systematics set retrieved from the tool
  • systNames: comma separated list of wanted systematics names, use “Nominal” for nominal and “All” for all systematics
  • systVal: continuous systematics sigma value
  • msg: the MsgStream object with appropriate level for debugging

void writeSystematicsListHist(const std::vector<CP::SystematicSet> &systs, std::string histName, TFile *file)
template <typename T>
std::string type_name(bool useXAOD = true)
template <typename T1, typename T2>
StatusCode makeSubsetCont(T1 *&intCont, T2 *&outCont, MsgStream &msg, const std::string &flagSelect = "", HelperClasses::ToolName tool_name = HelperClasses::ToolName::DEFAULT)

Function to copy a subset of a generic input xAOD container into a generic output xAOD container.

Marco Milesi ( If the optional parameters aren’t specified, the function will just make a full copy of the input container into the output one.
  • intCont: input container
  • outCont: output container
  • flagSelect: (optional) the name of the decoration for objects passing a certain selection (e.g. “passSel”, “overlaps” ...). When explicitly specified, it must not be empty.
  • tool_name: (optional) an enum specifying the tool type which is calling this function (definition in HelperClasses::ToolName)

template <typename T1, typename T2>
StatusCode makeSubsetCont(T1 *&intCont, T2 *&outCont, const std::string &flagSelect = "", HelperClasses::ToolName tool_name = HelperClasses::ToolName::DEFAULT)
template <typename T>
StatusCode retrieve(T *&cont, std::string name, xAOD::TEvent *event, xAOD::TStore *store, MsgStream &msg)

Retrieve an arbitrary object from TStore / TEvent.

This tries to make your life simple by providing a one-stop container retrieval shop for all types.

Example Usage:

const xAOD::JetContainer* jets(0);
// look for "AntiKt10LCTopoJets" in both TEvent and TStore
ANA_CHECK( HelperFunctions::retrieve(jets, "AntiKt10LCTopoJets", m_event, m_store) );
// look for "AntiKt10LCTopoJets" in only TStore
ANA_CHECK( HelperFunctions::retrieve(jets, "AntiKt10LCTopoJets", 0, m_store) );
// look for "AntiKt10LCTopoJets" in only TEvent, enable verbose output
ANA_CHECK( HelperFunctions::retrieve(jets, "AntiKt10LCTopoJets", m_event, 0, msg()) );

Checking Order:

  • start by checking TStore
    • check if store contains ‘xAOD::JetContainer’ named ‘name’
      • attempt to retrieve from store
      • return if failure
  • next check TEvent
    • check if event contains ‘xAOD::JetContainer’ named ‘name’
      • attempt to retrieve from event
      • return if failure
    • return FAILURE
  • return SUCCESS (should never reach this last line)
  • cont: pass in a pointer to the object to store the retrieved container in
  • name: the name of the object to look up
  • event: the TEvent, usually wk()->xaodEvent(). Set to 0 to not search TEvent.
  • store: the TStore, usually wk()->xaodStore(). Set to 0 to not search TStore.
  • msg: the MsgStream object with appropriate level for debugging

template <typename T>
StatusCode retrieve(T *&cont, std::string name, xAOD::TEvent *event, xAOD::TStore *store)
template <typename T>
StatusCode HelperFunctions::__attribute__((deprecated("retrieve<T>(..., bool) is deprecated. See")))
template <typename T>
bool isAvailable(std::string name, xAOD::TEvent *event, xAOD::TStore *store, MsgStream &msg)

Return true if an arbitrary object from TStore / TEvent is available.

This tries to make your life simple by providing a one-stop container check shop for all types

Example Usage:

const xAOD::JetContainer* jets(0);
// look for "AntiKt10LCTopoJets" in both TEvent and TStore
HelperFunctions::isAvailable<xAOD::JetContainer>("AntiKt10LCTopoJets", m_event, m_store)
// look for "AntiKt10LCTopoJets" in only TStore
HelperFunctions::isAvailable<xAOD::JetContainer>("AntiKt10LCTopoJets", 0, m_store)
// look for "AntiKt10LCTopoJets" in only TEvent, enable verbose output
HelperFunctions::isAvailable<xAOD::JetContainer>("AntiKt10LCTopoJets", m_event, 0, MSG::VERBOSE)
  • name: the name of the object to look up
  • event: the TEvent, usually wk()->xaodEvent(). Set to 0 to not search TEvent.
  • store: the TStore, usually wk()->xaodStore(). Set to 0 to not search TStore.
  • msg: the MsgStream object with appropriate level for debugging

template <typename T>
bool isAvailable(std::string name, xAOD::TEvent *event, xAOD::TStore *store)
template <class T>
const T *getLink(const xAOD::IParticle *particle, std::string name)

Access to element link to object of type T stored in auxdata.

template <typename T>
T sort_container_pt(T *inCont)
template <typename T>
const T sort_container_pt(const T *inCont)
bool found_non_dummy_sys(std::vector<std::string> *sys_list)
template <typename T1, typename T2, typename T3>
StatusCode makeDeepCopy(xAOD::TStore *m_store, std::string containerName, const T1 *cont)

Make a deep copy of a container and put it in the TStore.

This is a very powerful templating function. The point is to remove the triviality of making deep copies by specifying all that is needed. The best way is to demonstrate via example:

const xAOD::JetContainer* selected_jets(nullptr);
ANA_CHECK( m_event->retrieve( selected_jets, "SelectedJets" ));
ANA_CHECK( (HelperFunctions::makeDeepCopy<xAOD::JetContainer, xAOD::JetAuxContainer, xAOD::Jet>(m_store, "BaselineJets", selected_jets)));
Template Parameters
  • T1: The type of the container you’re going to deep copy into
  • T2: The type of the aux container you’re going to deep copy into
  • T3: The type of the object inside the container you’re going to deep copy
  • m_store: A pointer to the TStore object
  • containerName: The name of the container to create as output in the TStore
  • cont: The container to deep copy, it should be a container of pointers (IParticleContainer or ConstDataVector)

template <typename T1, typename T2>
StatusCode recordOutput(xAOD::TEvent *m_event, xAOD::TStore *m_store, std::string containerName)

Copy a container from the TStore to be recorded in the TEvent (eg: to an output)

If you have a container in the TStore, this function will record it into the output for you without an issue. As an example:

ANA_CHECK( HelperFunctions::recordOutput<xAOD::JetContainer, xAOD::JetAuxContainer>(m_event, m_store, "BaselineJets"));

where we build off the previous example of making a deep copy (see HelperFunctions::makeDeepCopy()).

Template Parameters
  • T1: The type of the container you’re going to record
  • T2: The type of the aux container you’re going to record
  • m_event: A pointer to the TEvent object
  • m_store: A pointer to the TStore object
  • containerName: The name of the container in the TStore to record to TEvent

template <typename T_BR>
void connectBranch(std::string name, TTree *tree, const std::string &branch, std::vector<T_BR> **variable)
template <typename T>
void remove_duplicates(std::vector<T> &vec)


StatusCode std::string HelperFunctions::name
StatusCode std::string xAOD::TEvent* HelperFunctions::event
StatusCode std::string xAOD::TEvent xAOD::TStore* HelperFunctions::store
StatusCode std::string xAOD::TEvent xAOD::TStore bool HelperFunctions::debug = { return retrieve<T>(cont, name, event, store, msg())
struct pt_sort

Public Functions

bool operator()(const TLorentzVector &lhs, const TLorentzVector &rhs)
bool operator()(const TLorentzVector *lhs, const TLorentzVector *rhs)
bool operator()(const xAOD::IParticle &lhs, const xAOD::IParticle &rhs)
bool operator()(const xAOD::IParticle *lhs, const xAOD::IParticle *rhs)