
class MuonInFatJetCorrector : public xAH::Algorithm

Algorithm for correcting the momentum of largeR jets containing muon decays.

Only muons associated to track jets are used. Quality and kinematic cuts for the muons and track jets can be adjusted by the user.

There are currently four correction schemes; Calorimeter, TrackAssisted, Combined, and SimpleMuon. At present, Combined is used, which takes a weighted sum of corrections from both the TrackAssisted and Calorimeter Schemes.

The corrected large-R are saved as a TLorentzVector in a decorator named “correctedFatJets_tlv”.

Public Types

enum Scheme

Different schemes for the muon in jet correction.


enumerator Calorimeter
enumerator TrackAssisted
enumerator Combined
enumerator SimpleMuon

Public Functions

virtual EL::StatusCode setupJob(EL::Job &job)
virtual EL::StatusCode histInitialize()
virtual EL::StatusCode fileExecute()
virtual EL::StatusCode changeInput(bool firstFile)
virtual EL::StatusCode initialize()
virtual EL::StatusCode execute()
virtual EL::StatusCode postExecute()
virtual EL::StatusCode finalize()
virtual EL::StatusCode histFinalize()
EL::StatusCode matchTrackJetsToMuons() const
TLorentzVector getHbbCorrectedVector(const xAOD::Jet &jet)
const xAOD::JetFourMom_t getMuonCorrectedJetFourMom(const xAOD::Jet &jet, std::vector<const xAOD::Muon*> muons, Scheme scheme, bool useJMSScale = false) const

Public Members

std::string m_fatJetContainerName = ""

The name of the container with fat jets to be corrected.

std::string m_trackJetContainerName = "AntiKtVR30Rmax4Rmin02TrackJets"

The name of the container with track jets used for matching.

std::string m_muonContainerName = ""

The name of the container with muons to be used for the correction.

std::string m_trackJetLinkName = "GhostVR30Rmax4Rmin02TrackJet"

The name of the link to matched track jets.

std::string m_calibratedMassDecoratorData = "JetInsituScaleMomentum"

Name of calibrated jet mass decorator, without the TA/Calo suffix, for data.

std::string m_calibratedMassDecoratorFullSim = "JetJMSScaleMomentum"

Name of calibrated jet mass decorator, without the TA/Calo suffix, for full sim.

std::string m_inputAlgo

Algortihm systematics loop.

float m_trackJetPtMin = 10000.0

Minimum pt of track jets to use for correction.

float m_trackJetEtaMax = 2.5

Maximum eta of track jets to use for correction.

float m_trackJetNConst = 2.0

Minimum number of constituents (tracks) of track jets to use for correction.

float m_muonPtMin = 10000.0

Minimum pt of muons to use for correction.

float m_muonEtaMax = 2.7

Maximum eta of muons to use for correction.

float m_muonDrMax = 0.4

DR cut to use when matching muons to track jets.

Private Functions

ClassDef (MuonInFatJetCorrector, 1)

Private Members

std::string m_calibratedMassDecorator

Name of calibrated jet mass decorator, without the TA/Calo suffix, for the given sample type.